
Local TV News vs. Network

Local television news is not necessarily dieing, but it sure feels as though it's coming damn close. It's not dieing, but it is shrinking considerably and it's not going to stop any time soon. I'd say expect this to continue for another 12 months.

I love local TV. Don't get me wrong. However, the lack of stability in this industry right now is semi terrifying. And I don't get scared too easily. I'm cautious yes, and try to make thought out, informed decisions especially regarding anything that is going to last a good while in my life from an iPhone vs. Blackberry to a career direction. Reasonable I'd say. Welp, local TV just ain't doin' it for me. Let's be realistic here, it's crumbling. The jobs are disappearing and they are NOT coming back. Why would they? Why would yo expand and do more with more when you can do more with less? You wouldn't. Job roles are merging and equipment is becoming advanced enough to go automation on the technical side of things. So what am I looking for exactly?

Don't get me wrong, if a local TV station comes calling... or answers a call or email of mine... I will listen and take an offer if it is good, reasonable, and does indeed come. At the same time, I feel like network may be a better option right now. I want to get into network television and network news anyways and with local TV seemingly crumbling harder than network, seems like a bit of a better route. I'll even start at the bottom, what the heck, let's give this a shot.

More to come another day on this potentially.

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